Technology Forum 2019 Matchmaking Event
15 April 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
Promoting Business & Technology Partnerships in South-East Europe
Registration is now open only for Technology Forum participants. There are no more available tickets for the main event. Check more info here.
The matchmaking event aims to promote business, technological and research partnerships bringing together the vivid ICT community from Greece, South-East European countries and beyond. Innovative companies, universities, research centers and other organisations active in the wide ICT sector are invited to expand their network, explore new ideas and develop cooperation potential following a programme of pre-arranged meetings.
The matchmaking event will be held in the framework of Technology Forum 2019 on the 15th of April, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The event is organised by PRAXI Network, coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network - Hellas.
Registration in the main event is mandatory to join the matchmaking event. You may find additional information on registration and ticketing policy here.
The event targets entrepreneurs, researchers, stakeholders and others who are interested in sharing new ideas and identifying business and research partners to:
- Find technologies to partner with, license or acquire
- Build partnerships for future funding calls
- Find buyers or development partners
Main Topics
ICT Technologies
- Big data
- Cloud computing, systems and e-Infrastructure
- Internet of things
- Machine learning
- Robotics
- Security and Trust
- Social media
- other ICT technology
Applications in
- Automotive, Transport and Logistics
- Agriculture, Food and Beverages
- Bioinformatics
- Creative industries, content and media
- Education
- Energy and Environment
- Healthcare
- Human computer interaction
- Manufacturing and Industrial software
- Smart cities and Mobility
- Space and Aerospace
- Tourism and Cultural heritage
- other application
Technology Forum: A few words on the main event
Technology Forum started as a local initiative with the synergy of academic, research and business organisations of North Greece. During the last 5 years it has been established as a major cooperative event in Thessaloniki, gathering entrepreneurs, researchers and innovators and aiming to present ICT technologies and to award past co-operations among the R&D and the business ICT community.
Technology Forum is organized by the following organisations:
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece (SEPVE), Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Region of Central Macedonia (RCM), General Secretariat for Research & Technology (GSRT), Alexander Innovation Zone (AIZ), Hellenic Management Association (EEDE), University of Macedonia (UoM), Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (ATEITH), Greek Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media (MDPTM), PRAXI Network, International Hellenic University (IHU), Greek International Business Association (SEVE), Enterprise Greece (EG), Ministry of Interior/Macedonia-Thrace (MIMT), Balkan and Black Sea ICT Clusters Network (ICT-BBS), Thessaloniki Municipality, Thessaloniki Tourism Organization (TTO), Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (SBBE) and Greek Computer Society (EPY).
Bilateral Talks
- Participants40
- Meetings Requested69
- Meetings Accepted46
Bulgaria 4
Greece 32
Lithuania 3
Republic of North Macedonia 1
Serbia 1
- Total of Participants41
Profile views
- Before Event915
- After Event55233